Custom Project – Converting an Existing Tank to a Skim Tank
Project Highlights: Tank Size: 55’-0” DIA x 55’-0” HG Tank Access: 9’-2 ½” HG x 11’-0” WD Door Sheet Crane Access: (1)…
Project Highlights: Tank Size: 55’-0” DIA x 55’-0” HG Tank Access: 9’-2 ½” HG x 11’-0” WD Door Sheet Crane Access: (1)…
INTRO: Worked with a new, small company to construct trailer mounted separation system. Project Highlights: Fabrication of (2) carbon steel cone bottom…
INTRO: Platforms and Staircases Project Highlights: Over the past years Elite Integrity Services have been asked to design and fabricate all shapes…
Working with the client it was determined that a structurally supported roof was not suitable for the tank operation. Elite engineered, pre-fabricated…
Due to the remote location special considerations were made to ensure the crew had suitable accommodations and attention was paid to work…